[bleach] death returns


Comment here if you would like to add me.
I'd prefer if we have some interests in common!
Just an FYI though, I comment more than I update this journal xD
Jounins ♥ graphics community

  • Current Mood
    cheerful cheerful
[bleach] smile to the sun

I'm aliiiiive.

Just not really on here, haha.
Check the links on my sidebar for places that I'm frequently on though if you still want to keep in touch :)

Lene <3
[ff] sing to the sky

Tune the Sky

In case you miss this at jounins,

After much planning and working behind the scene, Tune the Sky is launched! :Dv Feel free to browse around! There are new textures/resources that are exclusively for the website only :3
[bleach] death returns

not important but....

I've been avoiding Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy and Verus XIII announcements/spoilers until the North America release date(yeah--I'm trying to endure pretty hard xD) but over at ff_press, they just posted that Laguna Loire's going to be a character in the new Dissidia :3
He's one of my favorite male characters from the Final Fantasy franchise, so I'm sooo excited about him being in the game xD Woot woot! /fangirl xD
  • Current Mood
    ecstatic ecstatic
[bleach] death returns

You're not Alone

I'm nearly complete with my FFIX game (curently doing Chocobo sidequests xD)
But this scene is probably my favorite one by far in the game♥

RL tomorrow ;__;
  • Current Mood
    tired tired
[bleach] death returns

30 - day anime meme - DAY 8

Code Geass Spoiler Alert!!

☆ Day 8 - Most epic scene ever ☆
The way the series ended made me love the show much more. I don't really care if people say R2 had a lot of plotholes, I still like it more than R1 ;P I was talking to saihara a few days ago that I got this episode on my PSP just so I could watch the ending over again...or when I felt like it xD Epically beautiful♥

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