Comment here if you would like to add me. I'd prefer if we have some interests in common! Just an FYI though, I comment more than I update this journal xD Jounins ♥ graphics community
After much planning and working behind the scene, Tune the Sky is launched! :Dv Feel free to browse around! There are new textures/resources that are exclusively for the website only :3
I've been avoiding Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy and Verus XIII announcements/spoilers until the North America release date(yeah--I'm trying to endure pretty hard xD) but over at ff_press, they just posted that Laguna Loire's going to be a character in the new Dissidia :3 He's one of my favorite male characters from the Final Fantasy franchise, so I'm sooo excited about him being in the game xD Woot woot! /fangirl xD
☆ Day 8 - Most epic scene ever ☆ The way the series ended made me love the show much more. I don't really care if people say R2 had a lot of plotholes, I still like it more than R1 ;P I was talking to saihara a few days ago that I got this episode on my PSP just so I could watch the ending over again...or when I felt like it xD Epically beautiful♥